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Anantata (अनन्तता)—infiniteness

Anantata's mission:

Investing in Health, Longevity, Sports & Fitness Ventures.

Your Life is a multi billion dollar asset.

At Anantata, our mission is simple: to build a thriving ecosystem for health, safety, sports & fitness ventures. We’re dedicated to creating, mentoring, and investing in groundbreaking startups that drive longevity solutions—all with the vision of shaping a healthier future.


Our Approach

True longevity arises from practical, everyday healthy habits, personal resilience, and a commitment to overall well-being.


Regular exercise and sports form the foundation of a long, healthy life, but resilience and safety protocols in our work environments—and preparedness for unexpected situations—are equally essential. While we can develop these practices for ourselves, our planet’s health is just as vital, as individual longevity is inseparable from planetary longevity.


Anantata Ventures invests in and builds ventures that develop innovative products and solutions around  Human Longevity, shaping a future where both people and the planet thrive.


Technology Driven Future

Anantata is building a sustainable, technology-driven future by creating ventures across multiple sectors focused on health, workplace safety, and active living. All its ventures emphasize that longevity is a holistic journey that combines physical well-being and safe, resilient work environments, embodying Anantata's vision for a healthier, more sustainable future for individuals and communities.

Safety & Resilience

Safety and resilience are core to Anantata mission as well, particularly through Sensori, an Anantata venture offering digital solutions for Health, Safety, and Environment (H.S.E.). Sensori's digital monitoring tools allow for real-time tracking of health and safety metrics for industrial and construction workers, ensuring timely interventions and resilience to prevent workplace incidents. Additionally, Fitizen's focus on workplace and industrial ergonomics helps prevent physical strain, enhancing employee health, productivity, and safety through ergonomically optimized solutions.


Sports & Fitness

Beyond technology and sustainability, Anantata is fostering a culture of active living and longevity through its sports and fitness startups—Asthras and Triracquet. These ventures build a community that values everyday health and vitality through regular physical activity, whether in rotational workouts or engaging racquet sports.

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